ObesityHelp Conference Speaker Jill Temkin

May 8, 2014

We’re happy to introduce  Jill Temkin, MA, RAS, TEP as a speaker for the 2014 ObesityHelp Conference!

Breakout Session: Six Steps To Success When Coping With Addiction After Weight Loss Surgery

While weight loss surgery (WLS) alters your body and digestive tracts’ response to food, it doesn’t change how your mind responds to food or emotional triggers. Learn what to do if you begin to fall back into old eating patterns or start answering emotional triggers with new harmful thoughts and behaviors.

Join Jill Temkin, Registered Addiction Specialist and Founder and Director of Living Thin Within, as she walks you through six key interventions that can transform addictive thoughts and behaviors into needs that can be met without reaching for food, alcohol, or the credit card!

Learn what addiction is, as well as how to stop the panic, regret and shame by understanding, managing and redirecting it instead.

About Jill

Jill Temkin, has a Master’s Degree in Psychology, is a Registered Addiction Specialist, a Certified Psychodrama Trainer, Educator and Practitioner, and is a Compassionate Communication Coach with 30 years of experience working in the mental health and addiction fields.

Jill founded, Living Thin Within, in response to her own journey for support after WLS. She is passionate about providing weight loss sustainability coaching and counseling so WLS recipients can build a new mental and emotional foundation that is based on meeting needs, rather than of escaping from them.  Her mission is to provide the information and tools we all need to thrive in our new bodies and radiate health from within–long after the weight loss ends.

Learn more about our 2014 ObesityHelp Conference Speaker line-up and purchase tickets on the event website.