DIRE need of QUICK advice please?????

on 5/7/08 11:06 am
i had a baby girl 20 years ago that i put up for adoption. at the time i had a 2 year old girl. i made a conscience choice to not tell my daughter of the child that was adopted. i thought childhood and teenage years would be difficult enough without knowing you have a sister out there you can't even look for until she turns 18. well, my daughter is now 22 and my 20 year old that was adopted has found me and is of course wanting to meet her older sister. how in the world do i tell my oldest about her new sister? all advice appreciated! i'm scared now i may have made the wrong decision to not tell her earlier. has anyone been in a similar situation and how did you handle it? P.S.- quick responses would be great since i am meeting my adopted daughter on monday and need to tell my other daughter quickly????
on 5/7/08 11:37 am - Sunny Southern, CA
Sounds like you already have the right words to say... they are all in your post. Why you didn't share this with her when she was younger and why you are sharing with her now and how you don't know if it was the right decision to not tell her earlier but that was the decision you made. She'll I'm sure be shocked, maybe a little angry, excited and it may take a while for it to all sink in. Remember you've had 20 years so give her some time to absorb it. Don't force a meeting between the two if your daughter doesn't want it. Let her decide. Best wishes to you! ~Michelle
on 5/8/08 7:27 am
thanks so much! i needed to hear someone elses thoughts on the subject. wish me luck! i'll let you know how it all works out! cheri
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