Love Hate relationship with the scale.....

on 7/9/13 3:18 pm - Colorado Springs, CO

So I have this Love/Hate relationship with my scale.  I know many here say stay off the scale, but that is how I became morbidly obese in the first place (well that and eating) so when I began this journey I used the scale as motivation, then when I had foot surgery and could not exercise due to being on crutches...I stopped using the scale, now that I have restarted my journey of losing after gaining about 60 pounds over 3 years, my scale has become a Frienemy...I have been working my rear off in the gym and tracking my food, so was excited that the scale has been moving down fairly consistently, but this morning when I stepped on the scale it "lied" to me saying I had gained 6 pounds I know that it is most likely water weight as I did consume a little more salt than normal, but it did scare the hell out of here's hoping for better news from that darn scale in the morning. :)

Gayle  6'2" 

Mary Catherine
on 7/9/13 11:31 pm

Do not stay off of the scale.  That is burying your head in the sand and makes as much sense as never opening your bank statement and expecting that there will never be a lack of money.  The scale tells you if what you are doing is working for you.  Ignoring the scale almost always leads to weight gain. 

There will be up days, sometimes from water weight, sometimes from constipation, and sometimes from poor food choices.  But not measuring does not change the problem.  Facing the scale is the easiest thing you can do to lose and maintain.

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