Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery For Men
by Dr. Steven Gitt and Dr. Dominic Heffel

Plastic surgery after weight loss is often necessary for men as well as women, when a large number of pounds are shed after your weight loss surgery.   Once a patient undergoes massive weight loss, skin can be left sagging over their frame...not the best situation for taking advantage of a newly slim physique. Body contouring surgery can smooth out the skin, restoring a more normal and attractive profile and figure, and leave a patient feeling truly confident to face the world.

There are several more common procedures to look at when you are researching plastic surgery after weight loss. Often the skin will sag around the arms, the thighs, the neck, the stomach and the breasts. The main difference between surgery for men and women is that while women will request a breast lift or breast augmentation, men will typically request liposuction as an aid to contouring their pectoral or chest wall area.  In many post-bariatric men, formal breast reduction surgery will be necessary. This is due to both skin excess and to the accumulation of real breast tissue.  Real breast tissue occurs in obese men as a result of the estrogen-like hormones that excess fat tissues produce, while one is obese. Therefore, this type of excess breast tissue will not go away as you lose your weight. There are several individual components to the process of body contouring: Brachioplasty, abdominoplasty, extended abdominoplasty, or a lower body lift are the most common procedures used for men after massive weight loss. 

What are these procedures? 
Brachioplasty, or arm lift, addresses the extra flesh that droops down on the underside of the upper arm (sometimes known as “bat wings?). Surgeons open the arm from the armpit to the elbow and remove extra skin, creating a more pleasing contour. Liposuction can be used to eliminate left-over fat that lurks in difficult areas of the body - even after weight loss goals are achieved.

Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, removes the excess abdominal skin that hangs down sometimes low enough to cover the pubic area. This area retains moisture, sometimes causing irritating rashes. The large flaps of extra skin are also difficult to keep clean. Typically, a tummy tuck is the first surgery requested because it is physically uncomfortable as well as difficult to ignore or camouflage. Extended abdominoplasty carries the surgery around to the posterior hip regions, while a body lift includes the upper buttocks as well. The surgeon may use liposuction on your stomach, thighs, and/or flanks while trimming excess skin from your back and sides as well. 

Sometimes a procedure known as a lower body lift is executed. This procedure removes and tightens excess skin on the thighs and buttocks. Liposuction may be used to remove any excess fat. The surgeon will cut away excess skin and re-drape the remaining skin, leaving the patient with a more attractive view from the back.

Depending on your individual needs, more than one procedure may be needed to tighten sagging skin to better show off your new physique. A program of procedures can be put together by your chosen doctor for your plastic surgery after weight loss.

The need for plastic surgery after a drastic weight loss is determined by several factors: 
  • The amount of weight that was lost, since skin can be stretched until it loses its elasticity.
  • The age and overall health of the patient, since skin also gets less elastic as it ages and various medical conditions may affect your surgical plan.
  • The makeup of the skin.  Some people just have more forgiving skin than others.
  • The rapidity of the weight loss. Fastest weight loss usually means that skin doesn’t have time to retract as the weight is lost. 
For men who lose more than 100 pounds, the reality of needing some plastic surgery should be anticipated from the onset. During the surgery, your plastic surgeon can mold and fit your skin to your skeleton, using liposuction and other body sculpting techniques, so you can have the most toned and fit body on the beach. 

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Dr. Steven Gitt
and Dr. Dominic Heffel have devoted their plastic surgery practices to the care and management of post-bariatric/massive weight loss patients for more than a decade. Dr. Heffel was a UCLA bariatric surgeon before entering his residency training program in plastic surgery.   For more information, go to, the official website of North Valley Plastic Surgery. Visit their OH Profiles at: and

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