mermaidoz’s Posts

on 9/8/17 10:06 am
Topic: RE: Butrans patch

The obvious advice is go with whatever works for you. Pain is a very personal thing and there is no one fits all solution.

My original post was enquiring if anyone was specifically on the BUTRANS Patch, seems no one is and that surprises me.

on 6/11/17 4:57 pm
Topic: RE: Butrans patch


After transitioning over 10 weeks from 5 micrograms/hr through 10-15 to 20 micrograms/hr transdermally and spending 2-3 weeks at each level am pleased to report that have reached a good level of pain management for arthritis, fibromyalgia, general body pains.

Am surprised no one posted they are on this patch as it does work, and is compatible with RnY. I can recommend it.

on 4/6/17 5:32 pm, edited 4/6/17 10:32 am
Topic: RE: Scared about stopping my NSAID!

Recent studies have shown Tylenol Arthritis is pretty much useless except as a placebo. Placebo users get relief so if it works for you, great.

Tylenol does absolutely nothing for me, even when in hospital and they always give you Tylenol. What a snowjob Tylenol has done on hospitals providing them with free medication. Tylenol is super toxic to your liver. That has been proven, so take Tylenol at your own risk. I refuse it as my liver is too important to me, most meds are metabolyzed by our livers and Tylenol in all forms is extremely toxic to livers!

on 4/6/17 3:47 pm, edited 4/6/17 4:15 pm
Topic: RE: Butrans patch
  • Since we RnYers can't do NSAIDs there's not much left except opiates. It is unfortunate that there is a general backlash against opiates because of druggies abusing for fun. I thought surely prescribing an opiates patch on your arm or chest for a week would be less of a taboo, but seems real abusers chew the patch for a high ( must be like chewing on bandaids for pleasure ).

My GP is prescribing me the Butrans patch...started off with lowest dose available but since it is doing not much will have to go to stronger dose after my initial 4 weeks trial (patch switched out every week), so for now am doing the 5 microgms per hour patch, but at 5 am also taking 1mg Dilaudid or there is no way can get out of bed and face the day. The 1mg Dilaudid is supposed to be for breakthrough pain as I also have painful colitis with stabbing pains, but until I get a stronger patch I take it to try and tame my multiple body pains (all over osteo arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle and ligament pains in legs and arms, hands, back and shoulders, outer hips, knees, ankles and feet, just sore all over all the time).

Is anyone on a patch, and more specifically the Butrans patch?

Editing to add: Despite the NO NSAIDS ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM warning I received from my surgeon in 2008, as I got further out from surgery I needed NSAIDs for arthritic flareups, so since CELEBREX DID NOT WORK ( some surgeons let you take Celebrex including mine), my surgeon allowed me DICLOFENAC (VOLTAREN) 50 mg suppository a day (seemed to last 10-12 hrs) teamed up with a PANTOLOC (protein pump inhibitor TAKEN ORALLY).

It worked for me for years, even took both for a month at a time on several active walking trips. But now the Pantoloc has a bad rap as silent destroyer of kidneys ( prolongued use results in kidney failure) and NSAIDs including non prescription versions, if taken daily result in heart failure. These are more scary to me than the spontaneous ulcer possibility NSAIDs had for RnYers, and now that my arthritis and other pains are getting worse and need daily serious painkillers don't want my Diclofenac and Pantoloc anymore. So on to opiates in small doses, as turmeric and essential oils, and all those arthritis homeopathic remedies do nothing for my levels of pain. I don't smoke so weed is not an option. Besides smelling it gives me asthma.

on 10/25/09 3:35 am
I use Voltaren ( generic is Diclophenac) suppositories for my arthritis pains...and have to use Pantoloc ( protein pump inhibitor) orally, even though my NSAID is going in at the" other end" (to try and protect Pouchie from direct contact with the NSAID).

The Pantoloc helps to protect from gastric distress as NSAIDS are systemic, carried through blood circulation, so I am at risk of spontaneous bleeding and ulcers from prolongued use...Taking Pantoloc orally helps mitigate some of these risks to my Pouchie and my Blind Stomach and intestines....but NSAIDS are still a risk, so I try not to take them for more than 3 weeks at a time and then try to wean myself off, and tough it out for a few weeks before restarting.   I also use Voltaren gel topically as it is available OTC without prescription....but don't take Pantoloc with the gel as the amount of Voltaren absorbed  is minimal...
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