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on 3/23/06 9:22 pm - Springfield, MA
Topic: RE: Collodial Silver Questions
I would prefer to make my own, can you send me step by step instructions?
on 3/23/06 9:49 am - Edmonton, Canada
Topic: RE: Collodial Silver Questions
Hi April What part of the country do you live in? Most health food stores here in Alberta carry Collodial Silver. I have a water distiller and silver maker and make my own. We take it orally and never get sick. I also use it to disinfect cuts, spray it on my mattress and pillows and my sofa after I vacuum them once a month to kill the dust mites, my stepson uses it for a slight acne problem he has, and so on. Anything bacterial or fungal cannot survive with collodial silver. Also any viruses going around, pass you by, as viruses cannot exist in Collodial silver either. Hope this helps you decide whether you want to use it or not. I highly recommend it. Lynda
on 10/4/05 2:40 pm - Forest Hill, MD
Topic: RE: Collodial Silver Questions
Wow~! I can't believe noone has answered your question yet. Course, I didn't know this board was here until tonight CS is an awesome antibiotic...and it also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. We have used it for about 9 years and never have to get antibiotics. Earaches, sinus infections, colds, flus, viruses, etc. It is good for a multitude of things! Several things to remember: don't take CS with Citric acid or vitamin C. That helps the body's cells absorb the silver and can cause agyria...where the skin turns grey. It generally is reversible unless it happens in large amounts over a long period of time. Stagger the C /citric acid and CS at least 1 1/2 hours apart. CS can cause gastric bowel upset when taken orally...just like anything that has antibiotic properties. Be sure to take yogurt or acidopholis to keep the bacteria in the bowels healthy and happy while taking CS. You can get CS at GNC. The 4 ounce bottle runs about $20- and I believe it is a 10 parts per million formulation. Stick to something that is at least 10 ppm ...anything lower than that wont' be very effective. I recently bought some from a local natural food store that is 30 8 ounce bottle was $30. I have a sinus infection and am using it in an atomizer bottle to fight the infection. It is the only thing I have ever found effective in fighting a sinus infection. I had chronic infections for several years and the CS was what finally healed it. The CS should be almost clear or slightly yellow and have little to no odor or taste. Hope that helps! Let me know if you still cannot find it locally or if you find it and it is wicked expensive. I will help you find a good supplier online. I can also point you to some more good info on CS online. I want to start making my own, but haven't bought the 99% pure silver wire that I need to do it with. Keep putting that on the back burner. There are several ways to make your own. One involves the pure wire *MUST be 99% pure and have no nickel in it*, a 9 volt batter, clips and a mason jar, distilled water. You can also buy machines that do all the work for you when you add the silver wire. They run $30 and up. I am going to go the mason jaw approach. Blessings... Kathie
April M.
on 6/21/05 2:02 am - Springfield, MA
Topic: Collodial Silver Questions
I've heard it's a powerful anti biotic, and have been looking for it for a while in the health food stores in my area, but havent been successful in finding it. Tell me, what other uses dose it have and, how do you make it?
on 1/27/04 7:13 am - Mt Vernon, ME
Topic: Welcome to the Collodial Silver Forum message board

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