Back On Track Together

Week 3 & Hanging in there!!

"LADYbug-j" L
on 8/1/18 7:46 pm - Laurel, MD
My summer school job, is wearing me out! I am grateful for the experience. A true benefit in walking and climbing the stairs in this huge school building, my stamina is getting better each day. This daily walking walking is helping me gain and build strength.
The scale has moved? a little confused with the numbers but I will take it in stride.
Roughly down -6lbs. My food could be better. I will work on that from here on out.
I feel more restriction, could it be? Now I know this will work.
I have a close friend that jumped on board.
I need to get a battery for my digital scale, and I will see the difference from that weigh in to my analog scale.
Such a long way to go.
One day at a time. Sweet Jesus.
