Weight gain - calories - two crackers a day!

Dec 10, 2012


Weight gain - calories - two crackers a day!

"The newest insanity to hit the weight loss circuit.. 1-2lbs a yr or up to 10lbs in 5 yrs if you..... Lick the peanut butter off the spoon daily, eat 2 crackers daily, lick your fingers when eating chips.... INSANITY"


I know exactly what this  blogger is referring to - I attended and recorded the event where the discussion took place.  

I also ranted about it in person after the Obesity Action Coalition Event because it got me fired up, to several people.  I took it to my online support group, and likely to my Facebook page.  Because, think about it for a minute.  

Two. harmless. crackers.  I have done some serious shiznit to crackers.   I still can.  Have you seen what this girl can do to a stack of Ritz?  Do you know how many calories are in a stack of Ritz?  Do you know why I do not purchase them?

Exactly.  It's not insanity.  It's common sense.  And basic math.  I am a weight maintainer at nearly nine years post op gastric bypass.  KTHANKBAI.

I suppose it must have fired up more folks, because it's gone viral?  Are we now a circuit?  'Cause that's WICKED COOL.

OAC - Your Weight Matters Convention -  via transcription - forgive me if there are any ... concerns ( !!)  in this, it's a transcribed transcription from a transrcriber who was kind and loving to SHARE - with love -

"When it comes to combusting energy, a calorie is a calorie, period.  But are protein calories handled in the body different than carbohydrate?  Yes, when it comes to predispositions, heart disease and so on, diabetes.  It has a different empath regarding health.  From a burning point of view, a calorie is a calorie.  There are some nuances when it comes to the other ones we'll talking about later.  Second concept I want to mention to you is that it doesn't take much imbalance in calories in order to either lose weight or gain weight. 

So I'm going to have to walk you through this.  So if we take the ‑‑ if you assume that an individual takes in 2500 calories per day, that's not an unreasonable amount to assume, and you multiply it out to a year, that means that individual's taking in about 700,000 calories over the course of the year, just multiplying it out. 

If your body weight is exactly the same at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year, that means on average, if you took in 700,000 calories, that means you burned exactly 700,000 calories. 

So if you do that, you took in 700,000 calories, you burned 700,000 calories, your body weight would be zero.  There would be no imbalance.  And just think about how unbelievable that is.  If you're someone maintaining your body weight or if you know someone like that, that means they're in total harmony with calories.  What happens if you do an imbalance?  Let's assume you don't change your physical activity at all.  So the amount of calories you burned remains exactly the same.  You don't change your daily routine and so on. 

However ‑‑ I'm just going to go back and forth because we don't have a pointer.  But however, let's say the amount of calories you take in slowly increases, so that you're kind of out of balance a little bit.  So here's the interesting point. 

If you are just .5 percent in an imbalance, which it comes out to 12 calories more per day, so every single day, whatever you burn, you take in 12 more calories per day every day for a year. 

You would predictably gain about a pound of fat.  It turns out Americans gain about a pound or two a year.  So you could almost say Americans about .5 percent imbalanced every year. 

That's really small.  Say it was a 1% error, taking in 25 more calories every day.  You're predictably gain being 3 pounds of fat and in error of about 5 calories, that's about 13 pounds gaining per year.  It's so imperceptible if you're imbalanced by 125 calories or not.  It's no wonder why people come see me every day, I don't know why I'm gaining weight.  I'm really not changing anything.  But if you're in that kind of an error every single day, you're going to gain weight.  What does that equal to?  This.  If you are taking in these many more calories every day of the year, you're going to predictably gain weight.  Who could possibly be that good to know that you are in that kind of imbalance. 

It's no wonder given our society that you're going to be in error toward taking in more calories, equivalent to taking in two saltine crackers, that's what that is, every single day to potentially gain weight.  So the difficulty primarily lies in knowing your calorie balance. 

What's the value of this bill?  It's easy.  It says it on it.  What's the value of this coin?  Pretty easy, $.25.  What's the caloric value of this burger? 

I mean, where's it written?  Where's the number on it that you really know what the calorie level is.  It's 990 calories.  And what's the calorie value of this taco salad.  Well, it's about 700.  Did you say 700?  You get an extra chop stick.  Part of the problem is it is absolutely truth that calorie balance matters, but who the heck knows how many calories are in foods.  That's the intake side.  How about the outtake side?  What's the calorie value of brisk walking for 30 minutes if you're 180 pounds?  How do you know that?  You can calculate it.  It turns out to be 246 calories.  Did you say that?  You guys are good.  (Laughter)."

Audience:  We've done this. 


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