Gastric Artery Chemical Embolization GACE Procedure Helps Shut

Mar 07, 2013


Gastric Artery Chemical Embolization GACE Procedure Helps Shut Off Ghrelin Production Without WLS

Ghrelin is a hormone that is secreted primarily by stomach cells with lesser amounts secreted by other cells (as of the hypothalamus), that is a growth hormone secretagogue, and that has been implicated in the stimulation of fat storage and food intake.   If you block it with bariatric surgery or another weight loss procedure (below...) weight loss occurs.  At least it does for a while!

(It worked in baby piggies!)

Stomach Anatomy

Healthday -

The first five patients to try a new, minimally invasive weight-loss procedure dropped an average of more than 45 pounds in six months, researchers report.

The procedure — called gastric artery chemical embolization (GACE) — works by blocking an artery in the stomach. This cuts off part of the blood supply to an area of the stomach that produces most of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite.

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