Heralding the New Generation of Anti Anxiety Medication

Jul 28, 2013

For years we have a plethora of medications at our disposal to help us remedy symptoms of anxiety attacks. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors and Tricyclic antidepressants could be the most commonly used forms of treatment most of us can be familiar with. But there is one threatening drawback attributed to these two medications and it is said they may actually induce some life-threatening side effects.  The continued research and the latest advancements we have on the new generation of anti-anxiety medication have been presented in the global healthcare industry.  The main advantage we can get from this new batch of medicated drugs is that they work as effectively as their predecessor ones; however there is a total absence of the dreaded known side effects. Included in this generation of new medication are the Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, also referred to as SSRIs. This new anxiety drugs is said to work by enhancing the functionality of the neurotransmitter serotonin.

In a human body, serotonin is usually found in the brain area, and little amounts of it can be seen too in the digestive track. Commonly known as the “happy” hormone, serotonin is responsible in regulating a person’s mood. Thus, people observed to have anti anxiety disorders and depressive moods normally have low amounts of serotonin in their system and thus can take this new medication to increase the serotonin levels in their brain.  Children and adults prescribed to take these new SSRIs displayed little to no side effects at all. Children who took this new form of medication are observed to have difficulty in sleeping, nausea and stomachaches whereas the adults reportedly either had nervousness or sexual difficulties instead. A ground breaking medication that it is, this newly out anti anxiety medication  can be taken for an extended period of time but ideally should not exceed more than 12 months.  

New forms of anti anxiety drugs come into the picture and these are called the benzodiazepines.  Benzodiazepines are to be used only for a short term basis and they are given to patients to aid them in managing their anxiety symptoms to a controllable level.  A number of patients though are said to have developed a dependency on these drugs while there are also others who claimed to have developed instead some amount of tolerance for them.  These medications are a highly effective remedy; other forms of it are being carried out to be introduced to the market.  These new generation of anti anxiety medication is carefully formulated to effectively address a patient’s anxiety symptoms without the dreaded and known side effects of their predecessor drugs, nonetheless patients still complain that these newly out medications are still just as addictive like the earlier ones that they have taken before.

The issue of whether or not you should use an anti anxiety medication drug is an imposing question to ponder when at stake is the patient’s overall well being against a cure for his anxiety attacks.  There is a great need for us to have a good level of understanding of our exact condition first prior to taking into account all the possible remedies we can have at our disposal.  There is no way that you will have a wrong decision if you only consider all the possible advantages as well as the disadvantages of taking medications for anxiety attacks. With each available option you are planning to consider, make it sure that you will delve deep into the known side effects that each remedy may have on a person.

By the day’s end, it’s you who are going to make that decision, how you would handle your anxiety disorder.  Keeping an eye on the fact that each of these available medical solutions we have, come with them are a number of side effects and it is our personal responsibility to ourselves to know exactly what are they. Essentially, the best anxiety medication that you should get is the one that lets you live your life just how the way you know you should without ever cringing in fear or worries about your anxiety attacks. There are people who can take prescription drugs and there are also individuals who find it hard to cope with the underlying drug reactions. Thus, you need to buy yourself some time to determine exactly what it is that will work best for you. 


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