Another two months? Insanity - but the struggling has started..

Sep 21, 2010

Hey, all -

Sorry for my absence.  It's been an amazing couple of months - down to 220# and feeling great. 

Current stats:
Weight 220#
Pant size 16
Shirt size L
dress size 14-16, depending on the dress

Don't have recent measurements, though....have to do that.


The struggling has started with me and my old love for carbs and sweets.  For a long time post op I was doing great - in fact, dumping on sugars was a great made me happy to not want them for fear I would feel like crap.  Bad thing? I'm not dumping all the time on them now....which is not cool, since now my sick mind thinks it's okay to eat them sometimes!  Bad......

Now I know the fact that I know I'm struggling is a plus....I could go about my life and be oblivious and just eat what I want.....but I did not come this far to self sabotage.  I will not do it.  I am the healthiest I've ever been....and I want to keep it that way! 

Vacation kicked my ass - yeah, I still lost 4# on vaca.....but I think there is where the issues started.  My family's grocery list included things like "donuts and danish to have in the house" each and every time I went to the grocery store.  I did indulge a time or two....but kept it in moderation.....then I came home.  I ate an entire pumpkin muffin from Dunkin Donuts, which I later discovered was almost 600 calories - more than I used to eat in a day!  Needless to say, I won't be eating those again.

So, my plan?
- Use Spark people on my phone to track my food at least 2-3 days/ spot check myself
- Cut out the sweets altogether...not an easy feat - but I'm an all or nothing girl.  If I have sweets, they have to be the good kind that are designed for us WLS'ers....
- Get back to the gym.....I miss my Zumba and will be going back this week....but my work life has sucked so I've been trying to exercise at home......not as easy as you may think!

Old habits die hard.....and the older ones come back and rear their heads from time to time.....we just have to kick their butts out and let them know they have no place in our new lives.  That's my plan.....

Now off to work.  I feel better already.
Thanks for reading!

Laur  =)

