Has anyone covered by disabled veterans health benifits had WLS?

My husband is a disabled veteran. He served in the Marine Corp for 10 years and was discharged due to severe back injurys. He did not know he could get healthcare benifits until I started looking around. Has anyone that is a spouse been covered by these benifits and had Wls. You can email me at [email protected] in advance!!!!!    — Cathy B. (posted on November 20, 2001)

March 22, 2003
I have Champ VA insurance.It's really a great deal let me tell me.It cost us nothing and the coverage is awesome.Yes,they do cover this surgery if you are 100 lbs over weight and or having problems due to you weight.I start my lab work on April 2,03 and I am so excited!!! Good luck
   — Audrey H.

April 6, 2003
I have Champ VA and they approved on the first Call No problem at all and they cover 75% of tatal cost.
   — Audrey H.

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