I need help filing an appeal! I just found out today that I was denied

due to not having 12 months of documeted medically supervised weight loss attempts. I sent in my a copy of my chart from my PCP which showed at every visit since 6/00 he has had me on a different diet/weight loss program/prescription drug for weight loss. I do not even think they looked at my info! I want to be able to send in an appeal that has no room for another denial! I'm trying not to be discouraged and I know from this site that an immediate denial is very common, but I need some ideas! Please e-mail me sample appeal letters and/or any info that you can contribute. Thanks for your help!    — Rachelle P (posted on March 11, 2002)

March 11, 2002
The best advice I can think of is to keep your appeal limited to the supervised weight loss documentation. Maybe make a chart of the weight loss efforts, taken from whatever your doctor sent in to begin with. Keep it short. The people who review the appeals info do that all day long, so getting a long letter is not usually what they want. Good luck.
   — garw

March 12, 2002
I just emailed you a novel of an appeal letter that I used...good luck !! :)
   — Lisa J.

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