Every step forward in the process takes me two steps back... help!

I am so depressed... almost too depressed to write this posting. I'm in the approval stage for both the surgery and the insurance... my completed file is actually on the nurses desk at Dr. Needleman's office and I'm supposed to be evaluated today. In the meantime, my company just announced that they are switching insurance carriers from Aetna, who I've had for six years here, to Cigna, which has an exclusion for the surgery. I've been trying to get things through the system, but all I seem to meet with is ambivalence... nobody, and I mean nobody, seems to want to help me in this process. When I heard that my insurance info needed more documentation, I met with my PCP who more or less told me that he couldn't update and send new info for one or two weeks. When I talk to the surgeon's office, she's really busy and can't remember my case (not a slam... I'm sure she gets a lot of calls), but she keeps painting such a discouraging picture for me... and says that Aetna has gotten very difficult to work with all of the sudden. It's always coming back to the physician-supervised requirements and how you have to have three. Well I've been struggling with this weight problem for about 20 years now... I've tried every diet known to man and met with no long term success... I have so many co-morbidities that I feel like I won't live to see 40, and over the years, my doctors always sent me to Weight Watchers or a dietician when I asked for a program... they didn't offer to personally supervise me for months on end... they didn't send me to a physician supervised fat farm... I went to see dieticians, etc., with my doctors knowledge (and on his advice.) How is that not physician supervised? My chart documents numerous incidents like that one, so WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE? I'm at my wits end... I feel so discouraged, and I feel like this isn't going to happen for me... the change in insurance companies has only made things worse (I have the worst luck)... I am exhausted by this process and wish that just one of these people... whether it be my doctor, my surgeon's secretary, the nurse... that just one of them would give me one encouraging word. What the heck have I been paying into my insurance plan at work for... I just want to cry.    — Diane B. (posted on May 23, 2002)

May 23, 2002
Please read my profile--email me if you wish I would be glad to talk to you
   — Linda L.

May 24, 2002
Diane - how frustrating for you! Can I ask more about Cigna? I have Cigna, my policy has an exclusion for "treatment of obesity" but "covers the gastric bypass if medically necessary". The doctor's office faxed my request and I was approved within 36 hours. Don't give up if this is what you want, so many people have fought the insurance battle and won. Hang in there!
   — Mendi M.

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