I am getting approval one phase at a time, can I assume the surgery will be approved?

I have had been refered to UCFS for my surgery by my PCP. I have had a psychiatric evaluation, and my first appointment with Karen Bagatelos of Dr. Ostroff's office. I had some bloodwork done and was told to lose 32 pounds, a task that I have just completed. Each step has been approved individually, and I have to get another approval to go back to Dr. Ostroff's office. What are the chances that the insurance office (PacificCare Hmo) would ok all this and turn down paying for the surgery? The not knowing is terrible and I can't afford to pay it on my own. I would appreciate any insight or experience you can share.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 6, 2000)

June 6, 2000
Pacificare began approving WLS surgery 1/1/00. As long as you are 100 lbs overweight and meet the usual BMI requirement, you should not have any trouble.
   — Denise K.

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