Have you fought and won with Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO Oregon?

My benefit specifically says: SERVICES AND SUPPLIES PROVIDED FOR OBESITY OR WEIGHT REDUCTION: Surgery or treatment (including any later complications), even if YOU or YOUR ENROLLED DEPENDENT has other medical conditions related to or caused by obesity. Specifically excluded are: gastric stapling or bypass procedures, weight loss programs, counseling, hypnosis, biofeedback, neurolinguistic programming, guided imagery, and other forms of relaxation training as well as subliminal suggestion sued to modify eating behavior. Unfortunately my employer is BCBS and I don't have an option to chose another carrier. I hope that through persistence from myself and appeals that include my Drs that I will somehow get this. I expect many denials however. I am concerned that since I work for them that getting (attorney help) wont be a wise option for me as I'm a single parent with no support and I need my job to take care of my daughter and myself. Please help me if you can. Tell me what you have done to fight this insurance company. Can you help with advice on writing appeal letters etc. Any information would be greatly appreciated.    — Dawn R. (posted on February 7, 2001)

February 19, 2001
Dawn, I work for BC/BS of Oregon as well and know all about the exclusion policy. I have received my first denial. They approved my consultation with Dr. Mcconell but denied his request for surgery. I love my job and do not want to rock the boat, but I will appeal this decision. I was first told on Fri. the 16th of Feb. that I was approved only to be called back 2 hours later and told they had made a mistake, at first I was like oh well I expected this and then I got angry. I can't believe they would rather pay for all my medical bills for my comorbidities and medicine than to pay for this surgery that would ultimately save them tons of money! I have diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, gerd, chronic back pain, the list goes on and on. My medical bills must be enormous for all the drs visits and medicine. I plan to appeal and appeal and take it is high as I have to go to get this approved, and I hope it does not affect my job in the long run. Please email me and let me know how everything goes for you and I will keep you posted as well. Email me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from you soon! Nicole Rosalez
   — Nicole R.

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