What does Medical Mutual Super Med Plus of Ohio Require?

I have Medical Mutual Super Med Plus of Ohio Insurance and I and my PCP was needing to know what is required of the 6 month physician supervised diet. Does being on a restricted calorie and portion control diet, and going to my PCP once a month for weigh-in's and discussing my attempts that month sufice or does the insurance require something more structured? Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. I would love to receive e-mail's from anyone who has this insurance and also is going to OSU Bariatric Clinic (Dr. Needleman) or has already had the surgery, because I sure could use the guidance. Thanks in Advance    — GrammaAnn (posted on June 16, 2006)

June 16, 2006
The absolute 100% BEST advice I can give you is to call your insurance company's customer service line and ask THEM. It's thier job to tell you what requirements you have to meet and answer any questions you have about them.
   — liatha

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