BC/BS ins. pay for belt lipectomy (lower body lift)?

Does Blue Cross / Blue Shield pay for the belt lipectomy AT ALL or is it completely out? How much would it be out-of-pocket?    — MarsRenee (posted on February 29, 2008)

February 29, 2008
Hi Marcie - Unless you can prove that it is medically necessary they will not pay. I just had this done and my arms and it cost me out of pocket $16,000.00. (well worth it) I am about 5 weeks out and already showing great promise. If you can show that you have infections that won't clear up and this must be documented by your pcp. This is what I was told. I did call BC/BS and they said the same thing. I have to say 2nd to having the bypass surgery this is the next best thing I ever did for my self. Best of Luck..
   — niecie54

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