Is there a website so I can see what is involved in a Panni?

   — Darla M. (posted on January 22, 2005)

January 22, 2005
   — Ali M

January 22, 2005
Hi. A few comments about the pics on that website. The "before" is natable for a fair amount of weight that still needs to come off, in my opinion. The "after" looks like a new belly button has been made, perhaps some liposuction of the waist was done, and the incision follows a TT pattern more than a panni. Also, I cant tell if the muscles were side view. As a PS, I do not do a strict "panni" because it doesnt restore the abdomen to a nicer simply removes skin. So be sure you get from your surgeon exactly what is going to be done with the hips, waist, belly button, and muscle tightening! All of the following cases have has all this done:
   — DrL

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