I'm full of Q's on diet do's & dont's /long term

After bypass... aside from ruining any weight loss & health goals, is it possible to sneak the occasional piece of pizza or cookie, ASSUMING your body will tolerate it? I've been diabetic for years & am use to sticking to a diet, but on occasion I will sneak something sweet or even loaded with carbs. It's never enough to cause me to gain weight but because I know I give in to temptation I'm just wondering what the worst outcome will be if I give in to that piece of toast, bite of brownie or cup of rice? I understand dumping can happen & it is not gonna help aide my weight loss goal, but basically I want to know will it kill me dead? I have a friend who had lapband about 3 years ago & "cheats" all the time even tho it makes her vomit just so she can taste a french fry or burger. Are there ways to "eat around" the bypass surgery?    — claudedean22 (posted on January 4, 2013)

January 11, 2013
Cheating won't kill you. Well, I don't think it will. And anybody can "eat around" any of the surgical procedures. No matter which surgery you have, all bariatric surgeries are simply tools to use on your weight loss journey. You're still going to have to watch you intake (though it will be less) and get in some exercise. You can also stretch out any pouch which is left after bariatric surgery. Having been banded, I know that crunchy foods go down great. Popcorn, chips, cookies, cheetos....all crunch up real small and go right on down. And the more liquid you have with any food no matter what kind of surgery, you wash the food thru and you can eat some more. With bypass surgery, if you don't suffer from dumping syndrome, you'll be able to consume sugary foods with no side effects. Dumping syndrome is a big reason some people DO have RNY. They WANT to react to sugar so they can give it up. I've seen some really bad cases of dumping syndrome and I've seen some really bad cases of getting things "stuck" with RNY and banding. But to answer your question, I really don't think cheating will kill you unless something gets stuck and you don't seek help. But that could happen with any food....not just the bad stuff. And, btw, ice cream and milkshakes go down real easy. What's to get stuck if you eat ice cream? Pizza? It will go down but something that dense is prone to getting stuck. Really small bites. Chew, chew, chew. You'll feel up fast.l Bottom line....the second bite never tastes as good as the first one. Have one bite and hand the food back to the person you stole in from in order to steal that one bite.
   — abandster

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