My Blue Shield HMO will cover lap band surgery but medical group is denying it. HELP!

Have met the criteria for being a candidate for the surgery but the medical group who handles authorizations from the primary care physician keeps denying the request for surgery. Can anyone offer me any advice on what to do or has anyone else run into this problem?    — bridget1970 (posted on August 28, 2009)

August 28, 2009
I had the same problem in 2008, I also had bc/bs hmo, same situation. I had to switch doctors/medical group. Once I switched I was approved in 1 week. G ood luck!
   — savoy7658

August 28, 2009
Try another Dr. I would think if your insurance has approved it wouldn't be to hard to find a Dr to do the surgery. Most people have trouble with insurance. Good luck.
   — Supersize

August 28, 2009
I'm confused. Isn't the doctor the one that puts in the insurance paperwork? But then they didn't want to do the surgery. Sounds very bizarre!
   — Libby R.

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