If there is an exclusion, would they still cover if medically necessary?

My husband is covered by Illinois United Healthcare PPO. I cannot find his policy book, but seem to recall an exclusion for obesity. But, I'm unsure. I know they have a pre-existing condition exclusion. Either way, is there anyway that they would cover surgery for obesity if it were a medical necessity? Has anyone had any sucess at all with dealing with them in this type of issue?    — Randy B. (posted on November 13, 1999)

November 12, 1999
I've checked with United Healthcare. They do have an obesity clause BUT they do cover treatment for morbid obesity (the priviledges of the morbidly obese!). I've called them already and they are going to cover my psych eval. and dr. appointments. It sounded real promising about surgery coverage too. They were very helpful when I called there. If you call ask them about coverage for gastric bypass surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

December 27, 2002
There is an exclusion against treatments for weight loss. I was told by United Healthcare that there is nothing I can do to over-turn the exclusion. I am currently looking into other options, because I certainly don't have $25,000 just lying around! I will keep you informed.
   — Holley P.

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