How do I find a covered surgeon?

I have explained to my PCP my desire to seek surgery for my weight loss. He told me he did not know enought about the procedure to give me his blessing. I told him then in May(open enrollment) I would be changing to a tier plan(HMO,PPO,POS plan all in one)and I would refer myself to a surgeon. My doctor then stated to me he would refer me, just for me to find the surgeon I would like to see on my HMO list of providers and he would gladly give me a referal. Does the surgeon I need exist on an HMO list? What do I look under in my provider manuel, General Surgeon? Because I don't see anything else close to what I am looking for. Or should I just wait until May and switch to the tier plan? Because future surgeries (ex. tummy tuck) would be easier for me to self refer. Help!    — sjalex (posted on January 21, 2001)

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