Need input on most recomended surgery type

Hi! I'm new to the web site and love it! It's become a daily ritual for me to read all the posts. I have a question that I'm hoping all of you can help me with. Any recomendations on the types and the safest WLS out there? Need help deciding which "road" to take. Pam Richmond    — Sally Jane N. (posted on June 29, 2002)

June 29, 2002
Pam: Welcome to AMOS! I had a lap BPD/DS on 10/3/01 and have lost 96 lbs to date. You can find out more about the DS at www.duodenal The main difference between the DS and the RNY is that in the DS, the pyloric sphincter is preserved. It's worked great for me--I can eat everything in small amounts and still lose WT!
   — dantevolta

June 29, 2002
Did you check the library? This question is asked often and there are lots of debate "threads" there. I would read everything in the library concerning each procedure. This will help you with your decision. You will learn so much from doing this research. Good luck to you! Shelley
   — Shelley.

June 29, 2002
The Roux-en-Y is the "Gold Standard" of WLS. There are others, but this one by far, has the best results.
   — DianeN

June 29, 2002
The answers you are receiving are correct.. the RNY is the MOST POPULAR surgery, but it doesn't necessarily make it the best. Results are dependent on each individual. What works well for one person may not be the best option for you. The best thing you can do is what you are doing, do your research, ask questions, and trust your surgeon. Having had a BPD with no Duodenal Switch, I may not lose as rapidly as someone who had an RNY, but I WILL lose, and other things about this surgery made me choose it as the best for me. Good luck and God Bless.
   — Joscelin

June 29, 2002
You may also want to consider the lap-band, considered the "gold standard" WLS in many parts of the world. Good luck...which ever you choose.
   — April M.

June 30, 2002
I had an Open DS on 12/17/01 and I am down 110 lbs. in 6 1/2 months. No complications, no throwing up, no dumping and the long term weight loss amounts are higher than RNY. Also, regain rates are MUCH smaller. The decision is yours tho. Do your research and make sure you understand everything about each procedure and don't skip over the long term aspects of each. Good Luck!
   — grammie5

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