If the exclusion reads

Hi, again everyone. I posted a question last week asking for advise on pursuing this surgery after it was denied. I have private insurance and that insurance company is owned by my employer. I'm a little scared about pursuing it, i.e., hiring a lawyer. However, I rec'd a reply from Karen Bennick Carl who asked if the exclusion specifically states "morbid obesity" and it does not. It states "charges for treatment of obesity". Is it possible that this could be a loophole? Since it just states "obesity", perhaps I have a better chance of getting this surgery paid for, even if I do have to hire a lawyer? Is there hope or am I just grasping for straws? Any advise, comments would be greatly appreciated.    — Julia T. (posted on July 16, 2002)

July 16, 2002
I encourage you to pursue your WLS dream. My policy said "no treatment for weight reduction or obesity treatment" and I was approved in two weeks, no questions asked. There is a VERY big difference between obesity and MORBID OBESITY. Good luck!
   — Valerie B.

July 16, 2002
*S* Me again....After I posted that to you I spoke with someone else who had the same type clause in their insurance as you and they were approved, so I say to you GO FOR IT! There is a big (no pun intended) between obesity and morbid obesity and thankfully most insurance companies are aware of that. And as I stated before, be sure it is getting coded correctly from your doctor...Please keep me informed! I wish you the best of luck!
   — karmiausnic

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