Initially denied...what to do? Please help!!

I am so upset...the nurse who does pre-approval w/ my insurance co. told me that I was approved, just needed letter faxed from Dr.'s office, not directly from, I get a letter that I am denied because I am 97 lbs. over ideal weight, not 100 lbs. over..and that the NIH says I need a 40 BMI and mine is 37...doesn't the NIH say that with a BMI 35-39 and co-morbids. Get this..they said their other criteria is sincere attempt at weight loss and comorbids...and they said I meet those why am I not approved?? Please any advice...I don't know what to do...I am thinking of contacting Walter Lindstrom...(p.s...I refuse to lie about my weight to get this surgery...3 pounds is 3 pounds and my weight fluctuates on a daily basis 5-10 pounds...)    — Amy S. (posted on August 14, 2002)

August 14, 2002
Amy I don't know what you would do, but I would make an afternoon appointment with my doctor and spend the morning eating heavy salty food! Three pounds? Heck I bet I have shoes that weight that!!
   — Pam G.

August 18, 2002
Gain 3lbs!!! or more to reach the required 100 over weight limit.
   — yolanda W.

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