Anyone appeal the 3 12-week supervised diet requirement with BCBS for AL st employees

I was denied by BCBS for ALA state employees today stating that I do not meet the requirement for "3 12-week physician supervised weight loss attempts with the most recent being in the past year". I have spoken with the appeals board and they are telling me that this is a mandatory requirement. I have NOTHING in the past year. I have done slimfast, Richard Simmons, and metabolife within the past 12 months and that is it. I have not even consulted a dr. about my weight in a few years. Should I just give up and do a 12 week diet with my doctor and then try again? What success did any of you have with appealing based on these criteria? HELP!!    — April G. (posted on February 3, 2003)

February 3, 2003
I dont have an answer to your question, Im sorry. BUT I do have a comment on earlier post made a comment concerning the ame thing.. and it really erks that an Insurance company can 'demand' you 'qualify' for something THEY DONT PAY FOR PERIOD. I am wondering about the 'legal' portion of this requirement.. I have yet to look into it... but it sures makes me want to be an attorney. If nothing else I would bring it up TO BCBS... "Are you going to PAY" for this mandatory requirement....
   — star .

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