If primary denies and 2ndary approves what should I do?

My primary insurance had denied this surgery :-(. However, my 2ndary insurance approved!:-) My thing is I don't know what to do now. I work for a small county and to appeal it would mean going in front of the county commissioners. I was thinking about just dropping my primary and using my husband's insurance as my primary. What should I do??? Someone please help me?    — Beth A. (posted on March 3, 2003)

March 3, 2003
beth, i sent you a detailed e-mail
   — Delores S.

March 3, 2003
I am very interested in hearing what others say too, as I may have this situation come up. Thank you!!!
   — w8free

March 3, 2003
I had this very thing happen w/ my breast reduction. The thing that you have to do is send the denial letter to your 2ndary and they will cover it. Call your surgeon and set that date! Good luck and congrats!
   — Nickie C.

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