Post op.. Questions about insurnace..

I use to live in Miss and have/had Fox everett insurance. But i have moved to California and now no one will accept my insurnace. I havent been to see a doctor since 3 weeks after surgery and i need to see one. If anyone deals with insurance and can give me some advice on what i can do..Any programs that i could maybe sign up for. Me and my son both are basically without insurance right now. Me and my husband are seperated right now and im not working. Since being in cali i fell and torn the legiments in my knee. My insurace i guess covers emergancy rooms but wont any doctors. So i havent been to a doctor about my knee. LOL i just keep gon huh lol. Bascially i just need some advice on what to do. Im at a lost here. Please help...    — Deanna B. (posted on September 4, 2002)

September 4, 2002
I would contact the insurance company and have them find you a Dr. that is contracted with them. Or they will set you up with a doctor on an individual basis and give a temporary consideration for services. Call them and make them work for their insurance fee.
   — Sue A.

September 4, 2002
Sue is correct. Call your insurance company. If you don't live within a reasonable distance of a contract provider then they must pay an out of network provider with in network benefits. Call them right away. Make them help you.
   — Kristen I.

September 6, 2002
Just wondering where in Ca you moved to!
   — Sharon M.

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