Dr Custer/Columbus Oh/Transected vs Stapleline

Any patients of Dr Custer's been transected? Also. Any of his patients have any other surgeries ... ex .. hernia .. done at same time as gastric bypass? Input appreciated.    — Sarah H. (posted on May 26, 2003)

May 26, 2003
Sarah, I was Dr. Custer's first gastric bypass patient. I don't know if I was transected or not. All I can tell you is that I had my surgery in November of 2001 and I've lost 125 pounds and weigh 123 now. The surgery works and he's a GREAT doctor. I just found out that I have gallstones so I will be having him remove my gallbladder in a few months after I finish having my plastic surgery. I do have a friend who had him remove her diseased gallbladder at the same time as he did her bypass. However, she should have had her gallbladder taken out before the bypass because she was having problems with it numerous times before the surgery.
   — Patty H.

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