Please read my thoughts and give me your HONEST opinion.

Went for my consult at BTC in Grove City OH on Oct. 27. I was recommended based on 117 pounds overweight, comorbs such as joint pain, gastric reflux, swelling. The insurance company received the paperwork yesterday. Today they are asking for how long I have been at my present weight, expected surgery date, location of surgery and confirmation of an absence of phsyciatric illness. I am with Humana PPO. Does it sound as if I will be approved?? I am so nervous about this and just want to get on with things. Tell me what you think. Thanks!    — Mary B. (posted on November 5, 1999)

November 5, 1999
Mary, it sounds like they just want more information right now. My company wanted the same things...I had to show 5 years worth of recorded weight from my doctor. Many people have to go through a psyche test for this surgery.(to show you are mentally ok with it). I also wrote them a letter describing my life being overweight and what I expected from this surgery. Just try to give them all the information they are asking for and I think things should be fine. Good luck!
   — Sarah D.

November 5, 1999
Hi Mary! Just the fact that they haven't said "No way" is encouraging. Since they want more information, they are at least considering approval. Sounds like things are going in the right direction. Send them everything they are asking for, your chances sound excellent to me!
   — Jaye C.

November 6, 1999
Mary, who knows what an insurance company will do. Best to be prepared for a denial but keep a positive attitude. People with less problems than you have been approved and people with extremely severe comorbidities have been denied.
   — Fran B.

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