What about IUD?

Should I get it put in before or after surgery. Anyone Else done this before. Thanks for comments. Oh I will be talking to my surgeon but wanted to here others.    — MyWlsProgress (posted on November 15, 2003)

November 15, 2003
It's totally personal preference for you. But if you are worried about getting pregnant and don't think you'll be able to wait the time that your DR. says to stay away from sex, you are better off doing it now. I had mine done a little over a week before. Was NOT pleasant! But I don't have to worry about putting a sticker on my butt every week for three weeks a month or popping a pill! 5 years of no worries about getting pregnant! ;)
   — Michawn

November 15, 2003
I got one in January 02 knowing my surgery would be March 02. I was told you are totally more fertile when you lose weight cause your hormones are all out of whack. So I got mine done. Again not pleasant at first but well worth it still to this day.
   — Melissa P.

November 15, 2003
I am 13 months postop and have an appointment to get mine inserted Nov. 26th. I wish I would have know about this form of birth control earlier. I have been using the pill and condoms since surgery and have been so nervous about getting pregnant. After I started having reactions to the condoms my doctor sent me to a ob-gyn specialist and she told me about the iud and other options. The iud sounds like the answer to me and I am anxiously awaiting my appointment. If I would have know sooner I would have had it inserted earlier.
   — ckreh

November 15, 2003
I just talked to my GYN last week about this. (I'm pre-op). He wants to put one in before I have the surgery. I'm still planning on using condoms for a while after the surgery along with the IUD. I'm soooooooo paranoid about getting pregnant!
   — Katherine H.

November 16, 2003
Hi, I would not go with the IUD but ratehr condoms until you get to goal weight. I say this b/c I went to my OBGYN also in Aug of 2002 when I was pre-op. Here is why (1) pills add some many hormones to your body and can effect weight los (2) IUD may not work well b/c as you lose weight, you change in size EVERYWHERE and it will be less effective (3) Patch, need to be under 199. Please be careful though and use condoms b/c you become 1000% more fertile after this surgery. good luck. Heather 305/183/150.
   — heathercross

November 16, 2003
I have a Mirena IUD (they have a website if you want to look up any info) and absolutely love it (with none of the problems the previous poster listed). As for whether to get it done pre or post op, I would check with your surgeon and see what he thinks. I had mine put in at 5 months post op.
   — Dawn P.

November 17, 2003
I got my IUD (I have the 10 year one) in Fall of 2001 and had it in during my surgery. In the films you can see it sitting pretty! I have had no problems and nobody ever mentioned it being in. It is really not a worry. Best,
   — Louise C.

November 17, 2003
I had my IUD (mirena) inserted in October 2002 and had my surgery in Feb of 2003. It is no less effective after weight loss. It will be fine (and more convenient) to have it inserted beforehand. Good luck!
   — SarahC

November 17, 2003
I got mine 2 years before I had surgery, the effectiveness of the copper IUD doesn't seem to be affected by weight...there might be some issue though if you are chosing to have a hormonal IUD. IUDs are a really effective and totally underused form of BC....I highly recommend it.
   — Sarah S.

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