Has anyne had any success with Health Coice insurance for State of OK employees

I am scheduled for a consultation near Dallas, but I am afraid to get my hopes up that my insurance will deny me. I am so tired of life the way it is and really am ready for somthing to help me get rid of the weight that makes me feel so tired and ache and swell.    — windstorm56 (posted on June 19, 2001)

June 19, 2001
I personally don't have thsi insurance but I wanted to say that even if you get denied once Don't give up, keep trying. Your health is worth fighting for. Just remember, when you go to your consultation, go prepared. Have your diet history and family history ready, and a list of co-morbidities to give your surgeon so he can send it with your request. The more you have done the better your chances. Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

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