If you were approved for WLS on a federal insurance plan - I need your help.

I am insured through Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound. The only exclusive is that the surgery must be medically necessary. My BMI is 43.8, I'm 5' 6" and 270lbs. Per Group Health I fit all their guidelines except I do not have a co-morbidity. I had my gallbladder removed 8/90, morbidly obese, stiff & aching back, aching knees & ankles, stress incontinence, menstrual irregularities and depression. I have a sleep apnea test on 5/23/00. I have an extensive maternal family history of breast cancer (mother - two types of breast cancer and sister - breast & thyroid cancer). My other sister has lupus. My father was morbidly obese and died from a heart attach. I am appealing this denial and am asking for help from anyone who was covered for WLS by federal insurance with little or no co-morbidities. I appreciate your help in my fight and will keep you updated on Group Healths response. Thank you!    — Maurine S. (posted on May 7, 2000)

May 7, 2000
Oops, I need personal info: Your name (if uncomfortable first is fine) BMI Height Weight Insurance Company Co-morbidities Approved on first letter? Appealed? Do you know the criteria/guidelines your federal insurance compnay used to approve your WLS? Thanks Maurine :-).
   — Maurine S.

May 30, 2000
I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield Federal program and was approved. Their only requirements were BMI over 40 and at least 100 pounds overweight. I had no co-morbities at the time besides crohn's disease. Hope this helps. Marianne Southerland
   — Marianne S.

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