Does Florida Medicaid cover bariatric surgery

I know my surgery is "medically necessary". Does Florida Medicaid pay for it? I have no income right now, but have applied for disability and am awaiting a judicial hearing. Is there a program for "medically needy"? Is there any program to assist financially in the surgery? Perhaps any doctors who would perform the surgery pro bono? I am desperate and feel my health is definately in jeopardy. PLEASE HELP!    — Dorsey B. (posted on June 28, 2005)

June 28, 2005
Go to the top of the screen and click on insures. Then press go local to fla. Press m for medicaid and you will see what others have said about medicaid in your area. Medicaid has been known to cover wls surgery, but also I have seen that some pre op testing evaluation require some out of pocket expenses. It would be nice to find a doctor to do wls pro bono. Good luck to you on your wls journey
   — Big_Sassy

June 29, 2005
HI there Im in florida too and I called medicaid for myself and they told me they do pay for wls. They said for me to have my pcp write a letter of neccessity to medicaid and they would find me a surgeon. I live in pensacola and not one surgeon here takes it, so I will probably have to go to central florida, maybe Gainsville or Orlando. Good Luck!!
   — justaboutkrazy

June 29, 2005 is the perfect place to do your research on this very question. Honestly, this database, and the people online have helped me tremedously in finding answers to insurance questions, Medicaid, Medicare, and Finding A Surgeon. If you know how to cut/paste, please cut/paste this URL (Web address) into your browser, and hit "Go" and it'll bring up others from FL who have had their WLS paid for by FL Medicaid. Getting in touch with these folks is easy, and has made it fantastically easy by providing a LINK to each persons OH PROFILE. On the PROFILE, you'll see their EMAIL ADDRESS. has a built-in feature where you can email individuals this way, and honestly, many people are more than happy to reply. Don't get discouraged if people don't respond though, since once they have their weight off and down, some don't sit down at their computers much anymore!! LOL Here's the cut/paste URL address for you: You may wish to contact only folks who have had Medicaid pay for them recently, as Medicaid rules can and do change from year to year regarding this particular surgery. Best of luck to you! -annie bo bannie fannie annie
   — Anne S.

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