Tag Archive: Adrienne Youdim

hungry for more

Hungry for More: Lose Weight From the Inside Out

June 28, 2021 · 0 comments

How Do You Experience Hunger? Our emotional hunger, our spiritual hunger, is experienced viscerally, like a gnawing sensation in our gut. It feels similar to physiologic hunger, but it is not the food we hunger for. Rather, we are hungry for self-love and self-acceptance, for belonging, connection, approval, presence, and

self care 3

What Self-Care Is Truly About!

October 29, 2019 · 0 comments

Self-care is a major buzz-word these days as we all try to manage our sanity and our health despite busy schedules and competing demands. But it might be hard to know, what exactly is self-care anyway? You may mistake a massage, a night out with your buddies, or indulging in