Tag Archive: completecarecoaching.com

protein smoothie

Protein Smoothies To Jump Start Your Day

January 13, 2014 · 0 comments

Protein Power! Our friend from Canada, Rachel Girardi, M.Sc., recently shared two of her favorite protein-packed smoothie/shake recipes.  These holiday favorites are perfect for those wintery days and for every season!  Enjoy! Candy Cane Smoothie (makes 1) Ingredients: 1 scoop of vanilla whey isolate protein 1 cup of unsweetened almond

The Holiday Season

How To Survive (And Enjoy) The Holiday Season (Part 2)

November 28, 2013 · 0 comments

Strategies for the Holidays In the last blog we talked about how to enjoy indulgences on the season without being hard on yourself and while still keeping on your healthy lifestyle track. But as we talked about, you can’t indulge at every meal. So on those meals where we keep

Holiday Meals

How To Survive (And Enjoy) The Holiday Season

November 24, 2013 · 0 comments

It’s officially here. That amazing time of year that we love filled with family, friends, and traditions. But it’s not all fun and reindeer games. For people trying to make healthy food choices the Holidays can be a very emotionally trying time. In this two part blog series I want