Tag Archive: Fruit

Red White & Blueberry Stuffed Strawberries

Red, White & Blueberry Stuffed Strawberries for July 4th

July 2, 2021 · 0 comments

Celebrate Independence Day and all your outdoor fun with these delicious Red, White & Blueberry Stuffed Strawberries! Not only do they have patriotic colors, but these tasty stuffed strawberries are good. They'll help keep you cool in the hot July heat! Perfect for the whole family and all of your

Nutrition Niblits-The Powerful Pepper

September 28, 2012 · 0 comments

It happens to all of us.  We get that sudden urge for a snack and mosey on in to the kitchen to raid the refrigerator or cupboards.  Oh, but what to snack on?   How about a healthy cup of bell pepper?  Here are 10 reasons why a bell pepper is

4 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Fruit

September 26, 2012 · 0 comments

Why should you fill your fridge with fruits?  Here are 4 important reasons why:  -Fruit is hydrating.  Many fruits are over 90% water. -Fruit is packed with antioxidants.  Fruit is packed with cancer-fighting antioxidants.  Many of the anti-aging compounds that are the most effective are found in fruit. -Fruit is