Tag Archive: holiday survival tips

survive the holidays

How to Survive the Holidays With a Game Plan

December 23, 2019 · 0 comments

Make a Game Plan & Survive The Holidays! The holidays can be a tricky time for weight loss surgery patients. Sometimes family gatherings alone may be somewhat stressful but then add off-program foods into the mix, and it can be a very trying time for bariatric folks. So, how can

wls survival guide

Your WLS Holiday Survival Guide

December 16, 2015 · 0 comments

Here we are - in the middle of the Holidays!  The Holidays are a special time of year but can bring their own sets of challenges, wonderful traditions and the need for healthier recipes.  Check out the articles and resources in Your WLS Holiday Survival Guide! WLS-Friendly Yet Yummy Recipes


The Three T’s of Halloween: Tricking, Treating, & Transforming

October 9, 2012 · 0 comments

Halloween can be full of scary things such as ghosts, goblins, and CANDY! The temptation of candy lurking in kids' trick-or-treat bags or dreading leftover candy is especially scary to anyone trying to lose or maintain weight loss. While Halloween temptations might be around every corner, don't forget this time