Tag Archive: Revision Surgery

Weight Regain No Shame

Weight Regain No Shame Zone

May 24, 2021 · 0 comments

Weight Regain No Shame Zone: The Scope of the Problem The past three decades have seen an explosion in bariatric surgery, not only in terms of technical advancements, safety, and effectiveness but also with the number of surgeries that are now performed. Current figures from the American Society of Metabolic

endoluminal therapy

Endoscopic Weight Loss Options & Endoluminal Therapy

April 18, 2016 · 0 comments

It is clear that weight loss surgery (WLS) is the treatment of choice for obesity and its associated diseases such as diabetes. Patients are typically able to achieve a sustained loss of 50-80% of excess body weight, with robust improvements in high blood pressure, diabetes, and obstructive sleep apnea.[1] However,

post op weight regain

​Understanding Post-Op Weight Regain & Revision Surgery

March 11, 2016 · 0 comments

Weight loss surgery has been helping patients lose weight and improve their health for many years. Although the surgery and subsequent weight loss have dramatically improved the lives of many, approximately 15% of patients regain much of their preoperative weight.  For patients that have experienced weight regain, there are surgical