Tag Archive: The Biggest Loser

Exergames Compared To Traditional Exercise

June 4, 2014 · 0 comments

by Fitness Intern Jasmin Headen-Carolinas HealthCare System As technology continues to advance, the world of exercise and the technology we use continues to grow as well. Within the last few years game systems known as the Nintendo WiiTM and Xbox® Kinect have become popular in many homes as a means

Petition: Keep Kids Off The Biggest Loser

January 2, 2013 · 0 comments

Petition: Keep Kids Off The Biggest Loser Ragen Chastain is a dancer, choreographer, writer, speaker, and fat person- according to her Dances With Fat blog.  She is also an activist who believes everybody of every size should be treated with respect.  So when she heard that season 14 of the

The Biggest Loser: Season 14 to Focus on Childhood Obesity

December 5, 2012 · 0 comments

The Biggest Loser:  Season 14 to Focus on Childhood Obesity Season 14 of The Biggest Loser is set to launch in just a few weeks but it won’t be just the usual cast of obese adults as in seasons past.   This year, the cast will include three overweight teens as