Tag Archive: thiamine

b vitamins

Benefits of B Complex Vitamins

April 6, 2022 · 0 comments

B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning any abundance of the B’s will be released through urine during the day. It can cause your urine to be a bright, neon color at times. Therefore, supplementing daily is vital to avoid deficiencies or shortages. B Vitamins As you consume a high protein diet,

Water Soluble Vitamins

The Science of Supplementation: Water-Soluble Vitamins, Part 1

February 14, 2018 · 0 comments

Previously I reviewed the overall digestion process before and after WLS; now, I’ll be diving into individual micronutrients and their importance in our daily functioning for our bodies. To start us off, we’ll be looking at water-soluble vitamins. Water-Soluble Vitamins, Part 1 These vitamins, like the name sounds, dissolve in