Tag Archive: vacation

What Type of Fuel Do You Put in Your Body?

September 10, 2015 · 0 comments

A patient came into my office this morning and told me she made all the food for her daughter’s recent wedding.  I asked her “Do you have any idea what’s in a piece of cake? You would never eat frosting if you knew the garbage that goes into it!”  Chocolate

10 Tips for a Fun and Healthy Vacation

June 22, 2014 · 0 comments

Summer vacations are one of the best parts of the year.  Vacations are a time when we can get away from day-to-day responsibilities, have fun with family and friends, or travel to new places.  The most important to-do item on a vacation is to have fun. You are going on

Vacation: Healthy Habits or Not?

June 13, 2013 · 0 comments

Vacations are wonderful. They are a time when we can be carefree, face none of the daily responsibilities of work or home, spend time with those you love and care about, and to make it your primary focus to have fun. Yeah vacations! When you pack for vacation you take