on 8/26/13 6:26 pm

I am new to this site and I am hoping you all can give me some advice so I know the direction to go.  First of all I am looking for some books on Gastric Bypass that will help me have a better understanding of the process.  So any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  I am also curious about the process in regards to post op and just life after wls in general.  Anyone have any advice?

on 9/14/13 9:24 am

Hi! It may sound crazy but I got lots of real life info from watching videos on youtube. Lots of people video log their weight loss journey through what ever surgery they choose. There are manufacturers videos of different bands, as well as all other surgeries both real time and animated.They show before and after photos, excess skin after loosing weight and lots of times the journey of plastic surgery to havwe skin removed. I like that you are seeing real people talk about their real experience.... the highs and lows!

As for a surgeon I think it is a personal choice. I will tell you you can find some dr's seminars on youtube and get a feel for their personalities.

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