first weigh in with my pcp

on 7/5/12 7:04 am - howe, IN
So I finally made it to July, my appointment with my PCP went well. I have lost 7 lbs since my last post (may 25th or so) which I'm jumping for joy over. But since my appointment I have been letting myself slip, and as I sit and look in my daily food journal I can't help but feel ashamed, and with the shame I find my thoughts drifting to, "I know there is still his in the fridge... just a few more bites..." I hate this feeling!! I want to continue doing well and show my doctor I am committed to this, because I am, I am just getting depressed. I watch my husband eat 20 cookies, and 5 slices of pizza and never gain a pound. When I sniff it and feel like I gain 30 lbs!!! I'm sure because I cannot just stop at a sniff. I would like the control to help with my diet again. I have noticed that when I thought I was doing well I was actually consuming a ton of carbs. If someone could lay out a menu for me for a couple different meals I would be very greatful.
on 7/5/12 8:31 am
Hang in there girl!  I don't fair at all well with carbs!  I had RNY bypass in March 2010 and sugar makes me ill but the carbs they just make me hungry! find myself in the kitchen looking in the fridge even though I know I have eaten plenty.  I find pulling carbs out of my diet takes me 3 or 4 days and then the cravings go and I don't miss them. 
I'm not a nutritionist but I try to stay in the 40/30/30 range (40% of calories from carbs and 30% each from protein and fat).  A few go to meals for me:

Grilled salmon, asparagus, and arugula salad  (Marinate the salmon in equal mixture of soy sauce and rice wine vinegar with grated ginger and agave syrup to taste for about 30 minutes before grilling). It's great and very filling - use olive oil/balsamic vinegrette on the salad and you have a high protein low carb meal in 45 minutes.  

If you like casseroles substitute veggies for the pasta - Use grilled Zuccini or eggplant slices in place of lasagna (be sure to substitute reduced fat cheese) and you can make a great lasagna without the carbs!  You can also roll the grilled Zuccini or eggplant slices around a Ricotta/egg/basil mixture and make faux stuffed pasta. Yumm!

In the summer I marinate and grill (Chicken, salmon, pork tenderloin) with veggies (Zuccinni or yellow summer squash, tomatoes, asparagus, corn).  Last night I marinated pork tenderloins in a citrus marinade from a packet and grilled pineapple slices.  I ate sliced cucumbers and carrots with it.

In the winter i make soups and stews - use veggies and not potatoes/pasta.  Chili is hot and spicy and if you use lean stew beef or ground turkey you can keep the fat low!  I roast whole chickens and veggies to warm the house on the weekend and eat it all week. 

There are lots of low carb recipes - try or pick-up a book from the liberary. 
Most importantly know you are not alone and every single day you get an opportunity to make the decisions about what you eat, drink, and do that will in the long run lead you to the place you want to be!
Good luck hope this helps.
on 7/5/12 9:32 am - howe, IN
 Thank you, I will try some of those this week! I am just starting my 6 month doctor supervised diet. To even be approved for my insurance company. I began to star****ching what I ate at the end of May, to sort of get a jump start on the adjustment. So far its has been extremely hard, especially with two children under 4 years old.
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