how long after gastricbypass...

on 3/8/14 6:16 am

How long will it take for me to get better and live again..,, I am day 5 of it being done...

on 3/8/14 8:04 am - Kamloops, Canada

Darlin it is coming sooner then it feels. If you have been given the Ok by your doctor start walking now. Don't wait too long, the faster you get moving the easier it will be for your weight to come off. It is so hard but rewarding.

Just remember you are human and you will have slip ups, but you will overcome them and work harder and harder every single day. Make sure you are drinking your protein shakes they will help your muscles rejuvenate, and it will help reduce the soreness that you will feel.

Keep your chin up. I am 7 years and 2 days post op and down 250 pounds. Loving life and the harder you work the faster you will reach all of your goals.

Oh and remember to make a lot of mini goals because if you only set your eyes on the end result then you will feel like you have nothing to celebrate. Whether you lose 1 pound or 5 in a week a loss is a Big Success!!! Keep positive. I know you can do it.

on 3/8/14 9:24 am - Sunny Southern, CA

Healing is different for everyone but at 2 weeks I was walking around a store for a hour or so, no lifting but out in the land of the living. Week 7 was when it felt "normal" again... routine (food, water, vits, moving) was starting to feel right, drugs, anesthesia out of system, it was nice to see the scale heading in the downwards direction (slowly but surely) you'll get there! Water, fresh air, protein helps get you there faster.

I think many (most of us) would do it all again in a nano second if asked... hope you will soon feel the same.

~Michelle "Shelly"

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