Whats wrong with people???

on 7/7/15 5:36 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

I'm sure this has happened to most if not all of us here, where others just make snide rude comments about your size etc. This poor girl was shopping for clothes at old navy when a mother and daughter combo decided to make fun of how big the  tank she was looking at was big. People need to realize that words hurt and just because someone is overweight, doesn't mean they don't have feelings. I give her props though that she bought that expensive tank(lol), and rocked it. I know i didn't tolerate people belittling me for my weight. I would have said something to the pair.

Here's a link:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3152800/Plus-size-woman-left-tears-nearby-shoppers-laughed-huge-tank-buying-hits-fierce-selfie-shirt-inspiring-message.html

Karen M.
on 7/7/15 5:57 pm - Mississauga, Canada

My first thought when I read the title of your post was, "How much time have you got?"




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/7/15 6:11 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

LOL Karen. I know exactly how you feel.

on 7/7/15 7:04 pm - Toronto, Canada

That is so sad. Of course bullying is a learned behaviour, but it's so sad that an adult is participating and leading their child by such a terrible example. Regardless of my current size, I would speak up to the wankers who feel it is appropriate to make fun of someone. 

Referral: February 2015; TWH Orientation: April 2015; Social Worker: June 10, 2015: Nurse Practitioner: June 11, 2015; Nutrition Class: June 15, 2015; Psychometry Assessment: June 16, 2015; Nutrition Assessment: July 22, 2015; NP follow-up: July 28, 2015; Surgeon Consult: August 28, 2015; Surgery: November 6, 2015; Operation: VSG

on 7/7/15 10:04 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

So true, it's sad what parents pass onto their kids sometimes.

on 7/8/15 5:01 am - OWEN SOUND, Canada

Been there.  I think we all have our war stories.  Probably my worst was walking (which I loved doing) and having a car load of douches, I mean guys - throw a full drink at me and hit me in the back.  I doubt they anticipated my memorizing their licence plate.  Sadly because I couldn't identify WHICH douche threw it, I had nothing to go with. :/   

I have to admit, now that I'm over 40, my filter is broken.  I too would have said something to the mother/daughter.  I'm glad she went back and bought her shirt - real perseverance to not let the mean people take away your happy.  Go girl! 

Referral: August 2014 Orientation: 28Nov14 Social Worker: 05Feb15 Nurse Practitioner: 25Feb15 Nutrition Class: 30Mar15 Dietitian: 14Apr15 Psychologist: 21Apr15 NP followup: 23Apr15 Meet Surgeon: 26June15 Start Opti/PreOp: 21July15 Surgery!: 04Aug15!! 

I keep a blog... you're welcome to read it anytime :)  https://heretoeaternity.wordpress.com/


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