The day has arrived!
So it has finally arrived. Tomorrow at this time, all this icky skin will be getting cut off. I am having a full tummy tuck, an arm lift, an inner thigh lift, and a breast lift with implants.
First, I want to thank everyone on here for all of the posts, I have no idea what I would do without this website and all of you wonderful people!
Now, I am getting a little nervous/anxious/excited, trying to make sure I have all my ducks in a row. I've got my prescriptions filled, I have been taking my arnica and bromelain, my compression garments are waiting at the Doc's office, my mom is on her way up from Florida to be my nurse maid (thanks ma!), and the house is clean(thank you Boyfriend!) Now I just have to get through this last day of work, I'm sure it is going to draaaaaaaaaggggggg, lol! I always feel like I am forgetting stuff though, but I'm sure mom will help me feel even more prepared before bed tonight. I wonder if I'll even be able to sleep?!? Oh yeah, so before I need to take my own, or will the Doc's office give me a copy of the ones in my file? Thanks in advance for any input or advice! Love you guys!
I hope you have a smooth surgery and recovery. I would love to hear how it goes and what the pain/recovery is like.