4 years on the "other" side.
Hi everyone. I just remembered that yesterday, 9/1, was my fourth anniversary. It is funny that I forgot when I actually think about my new status on a daily basis.
What is different? Well, at first I was on this forum 3 times a day to learn all I could about diet, exercise, weight loss, and not to forget daily elimination…BMs. LOL
As I sit here at my desk I have my 32oz glass of water which goes with me everywhere. It gets a refill 1 or 2 more times a day. No diet cokes in the fridg and I don't like them anymore! At first chicken was difficult but is fine now in small amounts. Salads are still a problem. Sweet, sweet desserts are too much. What I prefer is jello with cottage cheese and low fat cream cheese.
I remember several newbies asking when could they get back to "normal" food. The old "normal" was not ideal so the new "normal" has been achieved. Eyeball the 1 cup amount and stick to the smaller plate for meals.
Exercise was one of the most important changes that turned me around. It toned and strengthened important muscles,boosted my energy, and made me feel much younger…my true age, not the number. It has been really important in running our B & B. It is necessary to greet guests with a healthy presence and enthusiasm.
If I have a problem it is about eating slowly. Count to 30, put my fork down, relax, no water,etc. is burned into my brain but if I'm rushed the old dump urge takes over.
Just a word to newbies, if you are concerned about feeling normal again, you will get there. Be patient get involved in activities that include other people, thru church or school.
Look forward.
I really liked how you pointed out the differences between the "old normal" and "new normal".
I too really think exercise helps a lot physically, mentally and emotionally.
I am glad you posted this. I am going into year three and I am glad to see you are still near/down by your goal !

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
HI Selhard,
I know EXACTLY where Gemmell is! It is over by Margie and has a big tavern/restaurant on the east side of the highway. I used to stop there for bathroom breaks on the way to Bemidji.
I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I dont think people "get" how in these super small communities we really RELY on each other for things like haying/farm thing (especially when one's husband/dad also works construction to make ends meet), plowing driveways, electrical well and heating issues. Everyone knows everyone else in a certain mile radius and a cop can walk into a bar jammed to the gills full of people and KNOW EXACTLY who "the outsiders are" who hit ice and put their car in the ditch and hitchhiked to the bar for someplace warm to stay.
With that said, I have hitchhiked and picked up hikers..the choice is freeze to death.
Not only have you lost a friend..but also a member of your safety net.
What is SSMO
Thnking of you

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
You know on "small town fun" My husband and I are getting ready for a vacation to Eagle River Wisconsin (Population 1,300). He doesnt understand why all the fun is happening nightly at the VFW and was surprised at the opportunity to participate in their Zombie run (as a zombie or judge...or realize he would get caught early as a walker) and the long and personal response from the coordinator he received in response to an email.
I think someone like my husband, shy but wanting to participate but not knowing HOW to jump in, would have done well in the communities that we live in/have lived in. Where there are these needs and everyone HAS to pitch in and everyone can be someone have an important community role- whether it is writing about community events for the weekly newspaper or being on the school board.
Everyone should live in a small town at least once...

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
LadyBaltimore ,
The only thing to fear is doing nothing. Start exercising, if only in your chair or bed when you wake up each morning. You have already made the big move by having the surgery, now the rest is downhill. You won't believe how good it feels to have energy. It comes gradually sometimes but it does come. I don't know how i can help you except wish you great joy for your future.
BWB, your wishes are more than enough! I've joined a gym already- Though I don't have my workout clothes yet, I am going there today to get the proverbial lay of the land and ease into it. (I'll be swimming.) I'm looking forward to the increased energy and health!