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Saturday April 18, 2020

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 4/18/20 4:28 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Weight 123.6, WW Bluepoints 31 (yes, with wine and snacks). We had a good ****tail hour with SIL but she had not so good news from her eldest daughter who is divorcing after 21 years of marriage. They seemed to have the perfect marriage, having started out as friends then marriage partners. Apparently it came out of the blue as the husband says he is "not happy". Hmmm...

Missing Diane O now. I hope her daughter is doing okay. I think Diane's area of the country is probably snowing today. There is supposed to be several inches in Massachusetts.

We may take a ride today along Fort Myers and Bonita beaches. We can't go on the beaches, but we can drive near the water with the windows down. Other than that, same old, same old.

Stay safe, stay home, stay healthy!

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-123 CW: 120 (after losing 20 lb. regain)!

on 4/18/20 8:03 am

Good and sunny morning!

Still chilly willy 'round this neck of the woods- at least there is no snow. My plants have been begging to return to the porch, but DH claims it won't be totally safe till after the last weekend in April. The plants are threatening a massive brown out--

Copticaticus, to the delight of Swann, has returned. He approves of Terry-spurious Monstercaticus, but denies the parentage of the others (they don't look a bit like him) and is refusing all kitten support payments! This reminds me of an honest to gosh true story- happened to a high school friend who, after graduation in the way back, moved to Arizona (?)....Anyway, the next summer, she returned to our home town and (I was home from school), stopped by to visit. With her came a large laundry basket with....wait for it.....3 babies! She had had triplets-all girls. Thing is, two were identical and the other was fraternal. NOW, for the strangeness of it all (bet you're ahead of me already). The identical set and fraternal sister had different fathers! Verified- No ****

Isolating at home can be both a good and not so thing And- can be both at exactly the same time. Thus- good- I re discovered a small bottle of orange infused olive oil -good- use it instead of butter on a small quantity of popcorn for healthy snack- Bad- it is wonderful and now I cannot stay out of it- continue to make it at the drop of a hat! As Devon would interject...Booooo.

Milk on for yogurt, then off to replace said milk (I'll get to use Diane's wonderful face mask -yay) and take Swann to the park to play.

Thinking of you all with smiles and sending healing thoughts and prayers as well as strength and encouragement to all in need.

We are all in need of the promise of warm sun found on a front porch. In its' proper season and when the time is right-

  goal!!! August 20, 2013   age: 59  High weight: 345 (June, 2011)  Consult weight: 293 (June, 2012)  Pre-Op: 253 (Nov., 2012) Surgery weight: 235 (Dec. 12, 2012) Current weight: 145

 TOTAL POUNDS LOST- 200 (110 pounds lost before surgery, 90 pounds lost Post Op.diabetes in remission-blood pressure normal-cholesterol and triglyceride levels normal!  BMI from 55.6  supermorbidly obese to 23.6  normal!!!!  



on 4/18/20 8:28 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Your plants are gorgeous. I understand the call to be outside. The weather is turning towards spring here, at least for the next week. In Minnesota we track "ice out" on our lakes, each lake has differing dates due to size, depth, location. I like to celebrate "cushions out", the day I think it's time to put the cushions on the covered porch furniture. Today may be that day. :) Hope your weather cooperates soon.

on 4/18/20 8:23 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Liz, never has the phrase same old, same old had such meaning!

on 4/18/20 8:45 am
VSG on 06/13/12

I haven't been outside yet, it is supposed to get to 60, and the sun is shining. I am hoping to do some work in the yard. Always a lot to do! I have a few flowers out already, plants that handle temps down to 20, like pansies. In general, I am hungering for flowers, and I'm buying potted cold weather flowers and bouquets for the house whenever I am out.

Tonight we hope to take a drive to visit my bff's son and his family to see their new baby through their picture window.

I finally weighed myself today. In this year, I have weighed a smidge more and 5 pounds less. I would have preferred to not have gained 5 pounds, but at least I didn't gain into new territory. One thing I can promise myself is more exercise as the weather improves. I don't know if I have fortitude to eat in calorie deficit mode right now. So I will work on maintenance this coming week.

on 4/18/20 12:28 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

We had some tiger lilies in the front that don't blossom very well anymore since their bed has gotten shady. I just dug some up and transplanted them to the wilderness that is our backyard. I don't know if I'll have a hill filled with orange blossoms next fall, or if I just provided a most delectable meal for the squirrels.

diane S.
on 4/18/20 2:45 pm

Greetings Fellow Bored People

Just finished my zillionth game of on line scrabble. For as much as I play I should be better.

I am beginning to understand why some people go nuts in retirement. That has never been a problem for me (already nuts) as I have found much fun stuff to do. Now I can't do much of it like go to the art studio, gallery and cute little wine tasting room. I think I am going to make a new hobby of ordering take out from local restaurants that I have not tried before. Patriotic duty, right?

DH has been out planting the snow peas or whatever. Large mess underway.

Bonnie150 your plants are wonderful. You must have a green thumb to keep those plants alive for years. I remember one year in the midwest went I planted marigolds early and then had to go cover them all up with plastic beer cups when an early frost came. So be safe.

Liz beaches everywhere and none you can go to! That stinks. Ours are supposed to be closed but I think people are there. But they are cold hiking beaches. No swimming. I did hear there were a lot of surfers out.

DianeO I hope you and DH are ok and not too inconvenienced by snow. Being in lockdown is like being snowed in except with snow the plows eventually come. No end in sight here. Bet it is a minimum of a month and likely two.

DH continues his gadget acquisition. A UV light thing that sterilizes masks and other house hold items.

I ventured out yesterday. Had to get mail from the gallery to see if there were bills. Went to the studio to see if any firing had been done. It had. Went to the grocery store for a few items, dropped off data at the accountants and went to the dope grower store to get some bags of potting soil. Its a huge store set up back before dope was legal and its amazing the stuff they have - actually a great source of container gardening equipment. They are considered an essential business. Seriously?

Ouch Cecily, take care of your back. Its amazing how one little movement can mess you up. I vote for heat but then I don't live in so cal.

The dogs are out in the yard. Grass is so long it looks like they have no legs. DH needs to get out there with his high tech lawn mower.

Our neighbors across the street were riding up and down in three ATV's that I didn't know they had. Their garage is like a clown car - so much stuff coming out of it you can't imagine how it all fits.

Ann heal and stay safe. Ditto everyone. Diane S

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